Wiz-War board game Miniatures and Magic!

It's about time that I finally finish the miniatures for Wiz-War by Fantasy Flight Games. This newer version of the classic "wizards playing capture the flag in a labyrinth" game was released in 2012 and features detailed miniatures and lots of colorful artwork on the components. With a bit of a Magic the Gathering feel and awesome looking pieces, this game became one of my favorites. I quickly got to painting the miniatures and as more content was released in expansions, the cards got sleeved and all the cardboard bits got organized. I was very excited to break this game back out again and get some games in. I realized I hadn't quite finished everything that I had planned to do with the figures and that some of the paint had chipped off despite having been over-coated. The basing is simply sand glued on and painted to match the stone floor of the game board. To finish off the set the creatures were based, the paint chips were fixed, and all the models ...