
Painted Dungeons and Dragons miniatures

Today I'm sharing some work on a recent Dungeons and Dragons project. Here is the before and after of the test model. I added a bigger base to all 3 models and blended the texture of the bases with putty.  Although the Jackal typically has an Egyptian style, this one lives in caves. Each area that would be gold I instead painted bronze and I did his weapons as if made of stone. The elf druid with a simple airbrush fade cloak and glowing bird spell  Repainted elf archer with water running through his base. Thanks for checking out my blog! Message me for painting comission work

Wiz-War board game Miniatures and Magic!

It's about time that I finally finish the miniatures for Wiz-War by Fantasy Flight Games.  This newer version of the classic "wizards playing capture the flag in a labyrinth" game was released in 2012 and features detailed miniatures and lots of colorful artwork on the components. With a bit of a Magic the Gathering feel and awesome looking pieces, this game became one of my favorites.  I quickly got to painting the miniatures and as more content was released in expansions, the cards got sleeved and all the cardboard bits got organized. I was very excited to break this game back out again and get some games in.  I realized I hadn't quite finished everything that I had planned to do with the figures and that some of the paint had chipped off despite having been over-coated. The basing is simply sand glued on and painted to match the stone floor of the game board. To finish off the set the creatures were based, the paint chips were fixed, and all the models ...

Painted Dark Angel 40k Talonmaster Land Speeder

My recent commission was this converted Space Marine Land speeder.  The twin heavy bolter and twin assault cannon are magnetized and load-out represents the Talon Master of the Dark Angels. I first removed mold lines and cleaned it up.  Work in progress:  Thanks for checking out my work! If interested in having me paint your models, message me on the Born Painting facebook page or  

Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress RPG Painted Miniatures

Presenting my recent project: the miniatures of Warhammer Quest Blackstone Fortress!  With all the support behind this game I was very excited to paint up this demo copy for a local game store.  There are 44 models in the set and the game looks fantastic.  While being in the 40k universe it is a cooperative role playing style board game.  Check out the video from the midst of assembling the models: The models were fun and easy to build with some requiring a hard squeeze to get fully flush.  After priming and a bit of airbrushing this is what they looked like: Work in Progress Player Characters Rogue Trader Janus Draik and Ratling Twins Rein and Raus Priest Taddeus, Navigator Espern Locarno and Zealot Pious Vorne Ranger Amallyn Shadowguide, UR-025, Tracker Dahyak Grekh Rogue Psykers Traitor Guard squad 1 Traitor Guard squad 2 Spindle Drones Ur-Ghuls Chaos Lord and Space Marines Ne...

Warhammer 40k Basing: Imperial Knight

After airbrushing, repainting and reassembling the knight, I decided the base should kind of match the rest of my recent Imperial forces: the Catachans. The feet were glued to a custom resin base with a lava flow texture.  Testors putty was used under some of the "toes" to make it more stable and flat to the surface.   The next step was to add texture to the dirt areas.  A layer of sand was glued down and it was left to dry completely. Then it was ready to be base coated.  All of the surface was painted black.  Watered down Mournfang brown was added to the dirt and some grey layering added to the water area. More detail was added by dry-brushing tan and bone on the dirt and also layering blues and grey onto the water. I shaded the dirt with agrax earth shade.  The water was shaded with Drakenhof Nightshade.  While the washes were drying, I cleaned up the rim of the base with black. The next step was gluing grass flock a...

Painting an Imperial Knight for Warhammer 40k

I recently took on the task of completely redoing this Imperial Knight. It came to me well painted in a very traditional blue and gold color scheme but when he broke, I figured it was time for an overhaul.  So I popped it apart and in the Simple Green it went.  The knight was previously a Knight Paladin with double battle cannon and reaper chain sword.  A Knight Gallant seems to be more of what I will use on the table top so I built up the power gauntlet.  Also to keep him cheap but swappable, I magnetized the heavy stubber on.    After a few rounds of stripping off the old paint, the knight was ready to be primed.  I started with airbrushing the entire thing in black primer.  The under detail/ mechanical bits were airbrushed with grey, silver and nuln oil.  I later did edge highlighting and brushed on more nuln oil.  For the armor, I airbrushed target raised areas with elysian green and then the same but mixed with yello...